Adjusting stromal transplants

This is a great case to show the many benefits that layered transplant brings for keratoconus patients.

I performed stromal transplant for this patient in 2012 and in 2014, he had 0 dioptres astigmatism with 6l6 vision. Similar result in the other eye.

After last seeing him 6 years previously, he represents with reduced vision in the left eye, and significant cylinder inferiorly.

He sleeps on his L side, and “thinks” he doesn’t rub.

Under the microscope he shows a gape in the graft host junction inferiorly.

Solution: as this is a layered transplant, I took him back to surgery, opened up the graft host junction, and re-sutured with overcorrection.

This is what it looks like day 12…a nice quiet eye. I will slowly remove sutures sequentially to get him as close to spherical as possible

The beauty of stromal transplant is minimally invasive adjustment to achieve functional vision, years down the track.

We can help

If you suffer from a corneal issue and think we can help, then you can request an appointment online or call the clinic on 1300 393 322. We have 2 Sydney locations for consultation, Westmead and the city on Macquarie Street opposite the Eye Hospital.